The dream of a more sustainable and responsible tourism is one that a lot of us share, but on occasions seems rather utopic. Luckily, things are starting to change! About time…
Responsible and ecological initiatives exist in many sectors, but when we talk about tourism, if companies want to be involved in this change, they need destinations to be prepared for it.
Every journey starts with a trip, people moving from place A to place B. It could be within your own city, to the neighboring town, within your country or region, or across the globe. In each case, the method of transportation chosen will be selected for one of the following reasons:
- It is more economic.
- It is more comfortable.
- It is the fastest.
And we must add another variable to the mix:
- It pollutes less.
In many cases, the tourist is left with not many options, since the destination he is traveling to is not prepared to offer more sustainable alternatives: bikes, trains, rental of e-cars or e-motorbikes, public transportation network… In other cases, they are there but are not advertised properly or enough.
So, you arrive at your accommodation, that hotel room with lights everywhere and always the perfect temperature (probably the AC pumping a bit too much). Am I the only one who has wondered how much will this hotel pay for electricity or heating?
Nowadays, many alternatives exist regarding energy although they are not always known. And companies often only need some motivation, a little push from the public bodies. Many destinations offer financial aids linked to the use of clean energies, even promoting those produced locally or at least in the region.
Waste and recycling
Some years ago, I used to work in a huge hotel, with equally huge amounts of waste. Of course, everything was separated into different recycling containers. But, one day, I saw they dump all of the containers on the same truck, and I was explained that there were no treatment plants for each of the residues in that area, so some things were treated together.
Once again, the responsibility lies on the governments to facilitate waste treatment in the area. Each of us must do our part, but it all begins with the local authorities.
Respeting the fauna and flora
Every day more often, we find ourselves looking for experiences that help us get in touch with nature, enjoy those dreamy landscapes, paradise beaches, or green forests.
The environmental rules on each destination can and must help preserve those natural gems, training little by little the local communities and the tourists that visit them. Some guidance and restrictions are needed to ensure minimizing our footprint while enjoying such idyllic places.
Those may seem like little things our guests don’t pay attention to, but everyday travelers are more involved, curious and like to learn about the places they visit. And we all love to share, tell our friends about that awesome time we had in this little hotel using only clean energies. It makes us feel like we have made our little contribution to the environment.
So, it seems that green is (finally!!) trending, and we hope it’s here to stay.
If you find this interesting we will love to hear what you think, and if you wish to know more we encourage you to get in touch with us.
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